Monday, August 11, 2014

Bu's 25th Birthday Yearlong BUcket List

I am days away from celebrating my 25th birthday and I thought to honor my time on Earth I should dedicate the next year to doing things I love, learning new things, accomplishing goals that exist in my head and then sharing that with all of you. I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life and to continue this amazing journey I am on. Below you will find 25 things on my 25th Birthday BUcket List and I will probably be looking for help in completing some of these tasks (*cough cough* Girls Only Trip!). Thank you for sharing in this special year with me and follow my blog for updates on my BUcket List! 

1. Girls only trip
2. Spa retreat 
3. Learn to make cocktails
4. Tough Mudder
5. 25 letters of appreciation 
6. Music festival 
7. Mardi gras 
8. 25 hour movie marathon 
9. Buy Louboutins 
10. Date night with myself once a month
11. Read 5 books (for pleasure)
12. Crawfish Boil (not broil - I'm so New England)
13. Adopt a rescue dog 
14. 25 random acts of kindness 
15. Winery 
16. Skinny dipping 
17. Save for a piano
18. Gun range 
19. Say "no"
20. Learn to bake 
21. Fall in love 
22. Karaoke 
23. Get a hobby 
24. Road trip
25. Dance in a rain storm 

Feel free to join me on any of my adventurous! This is going to be a good year :) 

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